Lost Archive: A LitRPG Adventure (Veilwalkers Book 1) Read online

Page 8

  All I had to do was march in there, find this Gaia person, and then figure out what to do with the Medallion. Easy, right?

  Sweat formed on my forehead from even thinking about it. With a swipe of my hand, I continued on. As I drew nearer, I heard faint singing. It wasn't like anything I'd heard before, it was high-pitched and sorta screechy at first, but it was beautiful, whatever it was. Somehow, I felt calm listening to it. Safe.

  I got so relaxed, in fact, I nearly dropped my bag and the Medallion too. I jerked awake, fighting through the gauzy haze. They were doing this on purpose, I realized. Had to be some sort of defense mechanism. The song took on a deathly melodic tenor, echoing in my ears and drowning out all else. My head swum and the tree swayed before my eyes. I was so close, I could see each branch waving in the wind, see the leaves flutter in the breeze. I couldn't give out now. I was too close. If only I could make it a little farther...

  I stumbled forward, throwing myself at the opening at the base of the tree. With any luck, I'd get inside before I lost consciousness. My Stamina bar flared an angry red.

  > WARNING: Your Stamina is very low! If your Stamina hits 0, you will lose consciousness until it is recovered to a baseline level.

  I ignored the notification and hoped for the best. My shoulder jarred against the rough bark as I hit the opening hard. I cried out and hung onto my supplies, but my HP dropped precariously. Any second now, I'd be done for. Bracing my shoulder, I wiggled my legs through the opening, using my free arm to push myself through feet first. I fell through the air for a harrowing second, then I landed in a cool patch of grass, my legs giving out from under me.

  I came to to find a small hand placing a washcloth on my forehead. I snapped awake and looked around. A small woman floated next to me, wearing a floral dress and a keen smile. Her eyebrows raised and she squeaked in surprise when I awoke, fluttering backward and covering her face.

  "Hey, what's going on?" I asked, my voice unexpectedly hoarse.

  The small creature said nothing, and flew off in the opposite direction. I growled. Some help she was. In the meantime, I needed to figure out what kind of predicament I was in. Last I remembered, I fell down the hole in that big tree and...

  I checked my map.

  > New Area Unlocked: Meliae Woodheart.

  Home to the fabled race of the Meliae, few have set foot in this domain. Tread carefully, Traveler, or you may not return...

  Well, that wasn't unsettling at all. I blinked through the grit in my eyes and tried to sit up. My body protested with soreness, but finally I found myself upright. It was dark down below, but luckily my Night Vision kicked in, giving me a good view of the layout.

  I sat in a circular room, beneath the giant tree. The floor was packed dirt and timber rose up on all sides toward the ceiling. The distinct scent of wood and earth assaulted my senses, but I didn't feel woozy anymore. I didn't hear the singing, either. But I knew better than to think I was out of the woods yet. I checked my status indicators on my HUD:

  > New Status: Charmed.

  Lulled by the ethereal beauty of the Meliae, your reaction time and strength have been dulled until you leave.

  Agility -3

  Strength -3.

  "Mother...!" I cursed aloud. No wonder I felt so slow and weak. They sapped the skill points right out of me! Whatever this place was, I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. It gave me the creeps. I tried to check the map again, but it still wouldn't connect to any of the surrounding lands. I must have been very far away, else there was some other kind of enchantment going on so I couldn't see where I was.

  I realized then that I wasn't wearing my armor anymore. I wasn't wearing anything, in fact. I was laying in bed, naked. Fear seized me as I grabbed the blanket and pulled it tighter around me. What the hell! Were these fairies....Meliae, whatever, some kind of pervs too? I checked my inventory. Nothing. Shit shit shit. Where was all my stuff?

  I looked around the room frantically. Nothing. This must have been how Tris felt, I reflected. But worse. She'd been grinding for years.

  Knowing I wasn't going to be much of a threat to anyone weakened and naked, I stayed put. I only hoped that someone would come by to visit me soon and explain all this madness. I'd had quite enough adventure for one day.


  After a time, another small creature returned. Male this time. He had the same tinkling high voice, and I was surprised I could understand when he reached out a hand to me and said, "This way, please."

  I looked down at myself and pulled the sheets tighter. "Can I uh, have something to wear first?"

  "As you wish," He said, and reached above his head where a few leaves hung. After picking a few, he worked in delicate movements, weaving the leaves together yet not destroying them. I watched enraptured.

  He held out a small garment to cover myself with. Made of leaves and vines, it looked rather itchy. I wasn't about to tell him that, though.

  "Will this suffice?" He asked, still holding it out to me.

  I grinned graciously, nodding. "Yes, thank you." I selected it and felt the makeshift garment wrap around my waist and crotch. It was nothing more than a loincloth, really. But better than nothing, I supposed.

  "Is there a reason you took all my clothing and equipment?" I asked as I tried to get used to the feeling of leaves brushing against my sensitive parts.

  "It is customary," The creature said, floating away. "This way."

  I followed, but not without more questions.

  "But you're wearing clothes. And I saw others wearing clothes too. How come you get to but I don't?"

  "We live here. You are the intruder. As with all our visitors, we must vet them carefully. And what better way than stripped away to your truest form?"

  I thought on that for a moment. I guessed he had a point. It leveled the playing field a bit. If someone came busting up in my home with a bunch of armor and weapons, I'd be scared too. I'd want to protect myself.

  As we walked I marveled at just how large the carved out underside of this tree was. It stretched for what seemed like forever, much farther than the diameter I'd seen above ground. How could such small creatures craft such an incredible network of subterranean tunnels? It grew lighter as we continued, but I wasn't sure if that was from the sunlight filtering down or the patches of bioluminescent moss on the walls. They gave off an eerie greenish-white glow, like glow-in-the-dark stuff had in my old world. I found it fascinating.

  Other small creatures skittered about, scratching and climbing up the walls. I stepped carefully, avoiding their paths. While we walked, I opened the map in one section of my view and docked the quest log to the side as well. This way, I could see the map of the underground lair expand as we walked. If I needed to make a quick escape, I didn't want to get lost.

  > New Skill Unlocked: Navigation.

  Maps? We don't need no stinkin' maps!

  Your sense of orientation has improved, and your maps now retain more information.

  I smiled and swiped the notification away. Not a bad skill to have, and I suspected with my racial bonus I could level it up even quicker. But what I was really here for was that dumb Medallion of Souls quest. Which, of course, I didn't even have the item anymore. The chill breeze on my bare skin reminded me of that much.

  The quest still remained, though. And upon further inspection, it had changed:

  > Quest: Medallion of Souls.

  Location Alert: Now that you are in the realm of the Meliae, you must convince them you are worthy of their attention. Do this, and receive an audience with the Gaia. Do this, and you may yet see the light of day again.

  Objective: Gain an audience with the Gaia by impressing the members of her Court.

  "In here," The Meliae in front of me said, gesturing to a carved oaken door. Vines surrounded it and a single shimmering crystal hung down over the arch.

  I eyed him then stepped inside. The door clattered closed behind me.

  > New Area Unlocked: Meliae W
oodheart -- Royal Court

  The room before me was a vast expanse of polished wood and glimmering torches. Instead of the glowing moss I saw outside, flickering crystals cast a warm golden light. A lush red tapestry resplendent with golden threads flanked the left wall. A wash of emerald covered the right, silver flecks woven throughout the ornate fabric. I stared, open-mouthed, and didn't notice the ethereal creatures sitting at the head of the room.

  A little larger than the Meliae I'd seen previously, their skin glowed an eerie ivory color and reminded me of the Guardian I'd encountered. Was she one of them? I tried to remember what the quest said, and stepped forward. Impress them. Impress them. Now how was I supposed to do that?

  "Welcome." One of the Meliae stood and flew toward me. "What business have you with the Meliae? How did you find our Woodheart?"

  I spread my hands in what I hoped was a non-threatening gesture. "Look, I come in peace. I was digging through this bag of stuff I found, and I just...ended up here. I don't know."

  Whispered murmurs rippled across the table, then the head of them spoke again. "What was it that you said brought you here again? Was there something that prompted this?"

  "I found this old medallion, it was bronze I think. I looked at it closer and there were these markings..." More murmurs, excited ones. I was on the right track. "Then this message came up and told me I had to figure out what it was and what it did. I ended up here. I've been told I need to see the Gaia. Is that your leader?"

  The Meliae looked among themselves for a long moment, considering. "How do we know your story is true?" One of them said, resting his chin on his hands.

  "You took all my inventory! Just look in there, you can find the medallion!"

  "We're going to need to see some other proof first. Not just anyone can activate the Medallion, you know. You'd have to have an Affinity, and let's face it, those days are long gone. You're not the first to stumble upon our Woodheart with ill intent. That's why we took your items. For safekeeping. Prove to us that you are trustworthy, and you may have your items back. Impress us...and maybe you'll get to see the Gaia after all."

  My hands clenched into fists. "I don't want to hurt you. I can prove it. You said I'd need to have an Affinity, right? Do you have any Runic items here?"

  "See for yourself," One of them said in a bored tone.

  They certainly weren't making this easy. I selected Enable Runic Vision. The entire room lit up with flame as runes scrawled on the floors, on the walls, on the leaves. Where I used to see fear and danger, I started to see opportunity in those scrawled characters. They clearly had some form of power, and if being able to read them was rare...perhaps Fel was right. Perhaps I was more powerful than I even knew.

  "I see your markings," I said, keeping my voice even. I cursed myself for not dumping more points into Charisma. Who knew I was going to have to convince some bitchy faeries?

  They still looked wary. The tallest of them stepped forward extending his hands palm up. I saw characters scrawled on his skin, shining with the same eerie light. "If you can read my name, you may visit the Gaia. If you can't...we'll probably have to kill you."

  I froze. How could they be so casual about something like that?! No pressure.

  Except all the pressure. It was only my life on the line, after all. And I didn't even know if I could respawn in this game. I didn't want to find out, at least not right now. My chest tightened and breaths came in short gasps. I could see it, I knew I should be able to read it, but my brain was playing tricks! It was like someone filled my brain with clouds and I couldn't see through. I had to fight this!

  The Meliae raised an eyebrow, continuing to watch me. The tension hung heavy in the air, making it even harder to breathe. Okay, Cael. Focus.

  I took a deep, shaky breath, and started to read.

  "Your name is Irellion Kal, and the Affinity has returned. My name is Cael, and I seek an audience with the Gaia."

  I looked up at their faces, hoping to see approval instead of bloodlust. The room was silent for a fraction of a second more, then it exploded into an uproar. I couldn't understand what they were saying but loud voices and excited gestures flew through the air as they chattered among themselves. For such small creatures, they had extraordinarily loud voices.

  Irellion flew back to me eventually and extended his hand again. "This is remarkable. Welcome, Cael, to our home. You understand we must be wary of travelers. A rogue fireball or an overzealous adventurer, and our way of life would go up in flames, literally. Proceed to the next room. The Gaia is waiting."

  I heard a small chime and checked my HUD:

  > Objective Complete! You have won the favor of the Meliae Court. But the journey is not over. Speak with the Gaia about the Medallion. +175 XP


  You are now level 4.

  Get stronger, get faster, get better!

  You have 3 skill points to allocate. Would you like to do that now?


  I had to select No, but made a mental note to myself to come back to it later.

  I didn't have time to dwell on the points or notifications because the Meliae ushered me through the door into an even more elaborate chamber.

  Where the previous room had been an expansive Court, this was clearly the throne room. Glittering crystals lay in a heap around an ornately carved wooden chair. In it sat the largest, most beautiful Meliae I'd seen yet. She wore a soft, curious expression and a crown of blossoms atop her head. Piercing blue eyes stared into me, and I felt uneasy. I didn't have a choice, though. I stepped forward.

  Twin guards holding wooden staffs flanked her on both sides and watched me warily. I wondered what the protocol was for meeting such an otherworldly creature. Was I supposed to bow or something? I stopped in the middle of the room and stooped low, averting my gaze.

  "Rise, Cael," The Gaia said. Her voice was not at all like the others. Instead of a high-pitched squeak, it was smooth, measured. It had a distinct tone of authority to it.

  I lifted my eyes to meet hers and felt the same chill down my spine again. Her thin lips quirked up in a small smile.

  "Welcome to my people, and welcome to my home. You have traveled far, have you not?"

  "Yes," I said. "I found an artifact, and I was hoping you might help me identify it."

  "The Medallion of Souls," She said, and with a flourish, there it was. The shiny bronze reflected off the light in the room and cast shimmers across the wooden walls. "Where did you find such a thing?"

  I considered lying, but something told me she'd know. "It was in a chest. I came across it when escaping from capture."

  She dangled the medallion from a golden chain, looking at it, then at me. "This artifact has been lost to my people for some time. And how strange that someone like you should pick it up. Fortuitous, I'd say."

  "...Someone like me?" I asked.

  "Yes, someone with the Runic Affinity. It is a sacred power among our people. Sometimes other travelers can gain access as well, but it is very rare. Tell me, those people you were with, they're called Seekers, aren't they?"

  How did she know that?

  "Y-yeah, they are. Do you know what that means?"

  "They seek the truth behind this place. They seek The Author."

  I tilted my head in question. "Who's that?"

  "He was one of the first travelers here. They said he had the gift, too."

  "What do they want with me, though?" I asked.

  "You should go back and find out yourself. The Author is closer than any of them think, you know. There's some old ruins we have been meaning to explore, but we haven't been able to spare the people. Could you go check it out? We're getting elevated Runic readings there, and we need to know why."

  > New Quest: Ancient Ruins


  The Meliae have detected elevated Runic levels in the ruins five miles to the west. Go investigate the cause.

  But be careful, you may want to gathe
r a few other party members first.

  Accept? (A waypoint will be placed on your map.)


  A cool wind fluttered through the corridor and I shivered. Whoever this Author was, he sounded like someone I didn't want to be on the wrong side of.

  "Take this," The Gaia said, producing a scroll and a bag from her robes and handing it to me. I raised my gaze and took it from her, spurring a chiming sound effect as I did so. Notifications filled my vision.

  > New Item Unlocked: Scroll of the Seeker.

  Allows one to detect Runic magics in a 100ft radius. Can be used even without Runic Affinity.

  Uses: 20/20.

  Special: Legendary Item.

  > New Item Unlocked: Loot Bag.

  Contents: Unknown.

  > Quest Complete! Medallion of Souls.

  +350 XP.

  You have returned a relic to the Meliae and in return have gained their favor. Your reputation with the Meliae has increased. By returning the Medallion to the Meliae, your alignment has increased.

  You are now +0.5 alignment.

  > Quest Complete! Seeking the Seekers.

  +250 XP.

  > New Quest: Seeking the Seekers II


  You have learned little about the Seekers and their purpose in this world, but there is much still to uncover.

  Find other Seekers in the Veil.



  "You can reclaim your items in the next room. It was a pleasure to meet you, Traveler Cael. I do hope we shall meet again one day." She smiled so warmly, I wanted to believe her.

  I followed a Meliae sprite to the next room where I found my items stored in a trunk. It felt so good to have my armor back on again. No more scratchy leaf loincloth for me! I bid them farewell and they led me toward a door where sunlight spilled in from the outside world.